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Product Number 0502040704

  • Marigold flower seeds
  • An annual plant
  • Honey flower
  • Unpretentious, easy to grow
  • With many medical and cosmetic applications
  • Blooms from early summer to late fall
  • It is watered moderately
  • Antiseptic and natural pest repellent
  • Height: 50 cm
179лвOnline price

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Marigold flower seeds 0502040681-semena-za-cvetja-tagetes-miks_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502040496-semena-za-piper-kurtovska-kapija-2gr_246x246_pad_478b24840a
487 лв


Marigold flower seeds of the MY NATURE brand. An annual plant. A honey flower, suitable for boxes, pots and flower beds. It does not require much care.
Calendula is a beautiful plant with many medicinal and cosmetic uses. It is famous for its unpretentiousness and easy cultivation. The seeds are large and are sown directly in the garden or in boxes. They need nothing but nutrient soil and enough moisture and warmth to germinate. They bloom from early summer to late autumn. It is watered moderately. It is cleaned of the withered flowers to stimulate new blooms.
Calendula has a reputation as an antiseptic, and when planted near vegetable plants, it acts as a natural repellent for garden pests.
Height: 50 cm.


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