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Product Number 0502050023

  • High-grade FLORALINE liquid fertilizer for palm trees
  • Contains soluble trace elements
  • High concentration of nutrients
  • Dissolve in clean water
835лвOnline price

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Liquid fertilizer for palms and deciduous flowers 1l 0502050022_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502030070-universalen-bio-torfen-substrat-10l_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2119 лв


FLORALINE high-grade liquid fertilizer for palms, containing soluble trace elements. It is characterized by its high concentration of nutrients and trace elements. When dosed and used, according to the prescribed amounts, provides strong growth and intense color. Increases the resistance of plants against diseases and pests. It is recommended to fertilize once a week with water for the growing season from March to October. Half a cap of the liquid is dissolved in 2 liters. water and the resulting solution is watered the plants. During the period of pause in growth, which is from November to February, fertilize only 2 times a month. It is not recommended to apply on dry soil. It is desirable to dissolve the liquid fertilizer in clean water.


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