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Online store opening hours: Monday - Sunday from 08:00 to 17:00
Contact phone number 0700 10 321 0875 303 000

The call to numbers starting with 0700 is charged according to your tariff plan

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Write to us at [email protected] fill out the feedback form.


*The terms are valid only for orders placed through the MASTERHAUS online store
**Deliveries are made only on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.


1.1 Economic delivery - Delivered within 2 to 3 business days.

1.2 Express delivery - Delivered within 1 business day or within 24 hours if order is placed before 2:00 PM. All express orders placed after 2:00 PM will be received after 2 business days. For settlements with a courier delivery schedule - delivery is carried out according to the relevant schedule.


2.1 Free delivery - Each product marked with the status "Free delivery" receives free economy delivery.

2.2 Free delivery over 100 or 500 BGN. - Product marked with the status "free delivery over 100 BGN.", as well as "free delivery over 500 BGN." receives free economy delivery upon reaching a total order value of 100 or 500 BGN, respectively.

2.3 Free delivery to store - Products marked with this status receive free delivery to a MASTERHAUS store of your choice. The delivery of these products to an address of your choice or to a courier office is charged.

If you select a product with the status "Free delivery" and add product/s to your order that have the status "Free delivery to store", you will pay the delivery fee only for the product with the status "Free delivery to store".


3.1 Delivery of a pallet up to 750 kg - 65.50 BGN with VAT (the price includes the price of the pallet)

3.2 Delivery of a pallet from 750 kg to 1000 kg - 88.50 BGN. with VAT (the price includes the price of the pallet)


The MASTERHAUS team reminds: Dear customers, upon receiving the shipment from a Speedy, ECONT courier or our courier, you have the option to inspect the goods for defects and irregularities.
We recommend that you exercise your right before signing the acceptance and delivery protocol.


You can pick up your selected products from the MASTERHAUS stores in Burgas, Ravda, Aytos and Primorsko. To do this, you need to select the "Pick up from store" option in the card of your selected item. After clicking the "Add" button, you will be able to select your preferred store.

Your order contains the date and time when the item will be ready for pickup at your selected location.

Packaging time: The packaging time is automatically calculated based on the location of your selected product. When selecting this option, the products you have selected are reserved for up to 3 business days (72 hours)

IMPORTANT! When receiving a pallet shipment from our physical store, please keep in mind the following terms and conditions:

- The goods for receipt are stored for 7 calendar days without charging a storage fee.
- Storage from the 8th to the 14th day inclusive - 1.00 BGN with VAT/day per pallet
- Storage after the 14th day - 20.00 BGN with VAT/day per pallet


5.1 Cash on delivery

It is made in cash upon delivery of the ordered items. The maximum allowable order amount for this service is 2000 BGN.

5.2 Bank transfer

To our current accounts, by indicating your account number in the description. order.

IBAN: BG58UBBS81551086045912


IBAN: BG08UNCR70001522263121

5.3 Online via credit or debit card card

We accept payment with the following credit or debit cards - VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard, Borica and Maestro. Direct transfer from your credit card is made via the RAiffeisen system. In case your card supports 3D authentication (Verified by VISA, MasterCard Secure Code or other), you may need to identify yourself after clicking the "Payment" button.

5.4 By crediting from Unicredit Bulbank or TBI Credit

The option is valid for a total order value of over 150 BGN.

-Crediting with Unicredit Bulbank. Initial data is filled in on the MASTERHAUS website. After confirming the order, you will be redirected to the Unicredit Bulbank website, where you will need to fill in your details for loan approval.

-Loaning with TBI Credit. After confirming the order, you will be redirected to TBI Credit, where you will need to fill in your details for loan approval.

Last update date: 12.10.2021
