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Product Number 0502100096

  • Trap for catching moles and voles
  • With an indicator showing when the trap has been triggered
  • Safe for the environment
1099лвOnline price

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Mole trap with indicator 0502040056-semena-kornishon-levina_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0805050125_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1757 лв


Trap for catching moles and voles. Enables animals to get inside where they can't get out.


  • Lawns, beds, places of rest and relaxation, playgrounds and playgrounds, polyethylene greenhouses, gardens


  • Carefully dig out the underground passage along which the mole or vole moves.
  • Place the trap in the excavated corridor, being careful not to allow soil to fall into the trap and fill the channel. Trap flaps must be closed.
  • Cover the opening with branches and grass, a board or a flat object so that light and air do not enter the channel. The beacon must be visible above the ground surface.
  • The rotation of the buzzer indicates that there is an animal in the trap.



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