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Product Number 0502100095

  • Spikes against birds - pigeons, glarus, crows, etc.
  • Number of spike rows: 3
  • Protective width: 15 cm
  • Length: 33 cm
  • Length of spikes: 10 cm
  • Base material: polycarbonate
  • Spike material: polycarbonate
  • Installation: by gluing or drilling
299lvOnline price

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Anti-bird spikes 15 x 33 cm transparent polycarbonate 0502100052_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502100053_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1509 lv Loading...


Bird protection spikes prevent birds such as pigeons, gulls, crows and others from landing, nesting and soiling exterior building facades.
The base of the protective element is made of UV-stabilized polycarbonate. The studs are also made of polycarbonate. The bird fighting and protection spikes are available with a base length of 33 cm and three rows of spikes.
They are suitable for installation on medium-sized surfaces, such as fences, air conditioners, advertising billboards, window sills, etc.


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