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Product Number 0502100086

  • To repel snakes and other reptiles from lawns, flower beds and more
  • The preparation is in the form of granules
  • Creates an aroma barrier based on camphor oil
  • To repel reptiles, sprinkle the detergent over the entire lawn
  • Also suitable for prophylactic use
2065лвOnline price

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Preparation against snakes and lizards, granules 1000ml 0502100071-preparat-repelent-za-zmii-600gr_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502100087-preparat-sprej-protiv-zmii-i-gushteri-750ml_246x246_pad_478b24840a
6705 лв


Granular preparation for driving away reptiles from lawns, rock gardens, flower beds, etc. This preparation creates an odor barrier based on camphor oil, which snakes and lizards do not like. Its granular form disperses perfectly between the roots of the grass and begins to emit a camphorous aroma that snakes sense with their forked tongues.

Use in the presence of snakes:

  • Sprinkle the entire area thoroughly, the goal is to drive away the reptiles.

For preventive treatment:

  • Sprinkle a strip of the preparation with a width of about 20 cm along the entire area. The goal is to create a scent barrier around your yard and thus keep snakes out.
  • Repeat anti-snake treatments after 2 weeks or after heavy rain.


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