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Product Number 0502050081

  • Contact fungicide with a protective effect against all types of bugs, brown and white aphids on tomatoes, wild fire on tobacco, pan brown rot on apples
  • Suitable for organic farming
  • Packaging: 330 g
569лвOnline price

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Bordeaux mixture 0.330 kg 0502050080-meden-sulfat-sin-kamyk-0-500-kg_246x246_pad_478b24840a var-snimka_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1887 лв


Bodolez plant is used for ventilation spraying of many types of mites, brown and white lice on tomatoes, wild fire on tobacco, and brown rot on fruits.

Application of Bodol's solution:

  • In a concentration of 1% - for crushing apples and peaches; vines - positive mana, ĸaptofi - positive mana after ĸaptophyte
  • In a concentration of 0.5-0.75% - for the treatment of vegetable and deciduous crops (peanuts, tomatoes, flowers)
  • In a concentration of 2% - for the destruction of the eggs and larvae of the onion fly and others


  • For the processing of one tree (e. of the original size, approximately 10-16 liters of water are needed
  • Ha 100 sq. m. Potatoes or tomatoes, about 5-10 liters of liquid


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