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Product Number 0502050080

  • Copper sulfate (blue stone) - plant protection agent
  • In agriculture, it is mainly used in the form of 1% or 2% Bordeaux mixture
  • Prevents lichen and mold growth on roofs or other surfaces
  • Packaging: 500 g
999лвOnline price

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Copper sulfate blue stone 0.500 kg 0502050081-bordolezov-raztvor-0-330-kg_246x246_pad_478b24840a var-snimka_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1887 лв


Copper sulfate (blue stone) is the most popular preparation for plant protection against diseases of vines, fruit trees, tobacco and vegetables. Unlike other copper fungicides, copper sulfate is highly soluble in water. It is used for winter spraying of perennial crops (2%), pre-flowering spraying (1%), in viticulture to combat the causative agents of manta (from 1% to 3%), in other plants against bacterial fungal diseases and as a means of decontaminating seeds.

In agriculture, it is mainly used in the form of 1% or 2% Bordeaux mixture.

Application of the Blue Stone (copper sulfate):

  • Removal of defects in the taste or smell of the wine in a maximum amount of up to 1 gram per hectolitre, provided that the product so treated has a copper content of not more than 1 milligram per litre.
  • To prepare a Bordeaux solution: 1% - ov - 100 g of copper sulfate dissolved in 9 l of water is neutralized with 75 g of quicklime dissolved in 1 l of water - the boiled milk is filtered and poured slowly into the solution of the blue stone with continuous stirring; 2% - ov - 200 g of copper sulfate dissolved in 9 l of water is neutralized with 150 g of quicklime dissolved in 1 l of water.
  • To prevent "greening" in flower pots.
  • To prevent the development of lichens, molds on roofs, etc. building surfaces.
  • For protecting wooden fruit crates, seedling trays, etc. wooden containers. soak in 10 l of water in which 800 g of copper sulfate is dissolved.


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