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Product Number 0502040483

  • French spinach / quince (Atriplex hortensis)
  • A genus of annual grasses and semi-shrubs of the Lobod family
  • For planting outdoors in the yard or garden
  • It reaches a height of about 60 - 180 cm
  • Sowing: March - May
  • Flowering period: July - August
179лвOnline price

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The plant grows to a height of between 60 and 180 cm, has green leaves with shades of purple.It is not pretentious, it is grown by direct sowing in the open, as early as possible in the spring - March, April, May. The seeds are sown at a row spacing of 30-35 cm. When the plants develop 3-4 leaves, they should be thinned so that one remains at 10-15 cm. Loboda is not demanding to the soil, but to obtain high yields and quality leaves must be grown on fertile, rich in organic matter soil. Although it is drought-resistant, its successful cultivation requires good water regime. During the growing season it is regularly watered, nourished and dug 1-2 times.


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