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Product Number 0502040491

  • Varietal seeds for Tomatoes Trapezitsa
  • Large, bright red
  • Variety: with early variety, determinant
  • Extremely rich taste
  • Harvest: July-October
129лвOnline price

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Seeds for Tomatoes Trapezitsa - 1g 0502040492-semena-domati-ideal_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502010726-forma-za-razsad-28-gnezda_246x246_pad_478b24840a
467 лв


Trapezitsa tomatoes from LACTOFOL are a low-growing, seedless variety intended for medium early field production. Suitable for fresh consumption and industrial processing into tomato concentrates, ketchup, juices, etc. Very generous, resistant to tobacco mosaic, fusarium and verticillium.

The table forms fruits with an average weight of about 160 - 180 g. They have a round shape, smooth surface with a rich bright red color, the interior is multi-chambered. Wheelless tomatoes are very strong and resistant to transport, have a non-cracking shell and are without a green ring.

Good taste and pleasant tomato aroma.

  • Sowing rate: 3g/100sq.m.
  • Fruit size: 160-180 g
  • Yield: 600-700 kg/100 sq.m.
  • Sowing of seedlings: March
  • Outdoor sowing: April-May
  • Harvest: July-October


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