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Product Number 0502040043

  • Varietal seeds for Celery Maxim
  • Harvest: September - November
  • The root is about 300-350 g
  • Tubers and leaves are edible
  • It is consumed raw or cooked
  • Suitable for canning
  • It is characterized by cold resistance, adult plants can withstand up to -8 ° C
  • The seeds germinate in about 20-25 days at a moderate temperature
  • The image may be illustrative
179лвOnline price

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Vegetable seeds Celery Maxim 0502040643-semena_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502040041-semena-listen-magdanoz_246x246_pad_478b24840a
537 лв


Celery is used in cooking both as a root vegetable and as a spice. It is consumed raw or cooked. Also suitable for canning. It can be stored between 4-6 months in a basement or refrigerator at an optimum temperature of 2-4°C.
Celery is grown through seedlings, which are obtained in semi-warm greenhouses, greenhouses, tunnels. For later planting in a permanent place can be grown in open beds.
Sowing time:

  • The optimal time for sowing is mid-March - April (indoors) or in May (outdoors).

Planting time:

  • Celery sown in March is transplanted in late May - early June, and sown earlier - in the first half of May. Usually about 70 days after sowing, the plants are transplanted to their permanent place. At the time of planting the seedlings should have formed 4-5 leaves, the plants should be well developed and healthy. When the seedlings are dense, thin out in time.


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