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Product Number 0203010039

  • White interior insulating paint
  • Based on acrylic dispersion
  • Prevents the leakage of water-soluble stains from nicotine, ink
  • For indoor use
  • Drying time of one layer after application: 1 hour
  • Coverage: 10 sq.m./l. per layer
5670лвOnline price

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Insulating paint for walls, bathrooms and kitchens AKZO NOBEL based on acrylic dispersion, which prevents the leakage of water-soluble stains from nicotine, ink and more. It is applied indoors. It can be applied on various surfaces such as mortar, concrete, fiberglass wallpaper, etc. After application, each layer dries for 1 hour, but it is recommended to wait 6 hours before applying the second layer. Covers 10 sq.m/l per layer.


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