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Product Number 0203010034

  • Paint for damp rooms
  • For rooms with high humidity
  • It is used as a preventive against mold
  • Fungicidal properties and diffusion ability
  • Free of solvents
  • Weak odor
  • Consumption rate: minimum 120 ml / sq.m. for a layer on a smooth surface
дни часа мин сек
Офертата е валидна от 01.03.2025 до 30.03.2025
2999lvPromo price 3400lvOld price

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Често купувани заедно

Paint for damp rooms Fungistop W 2.5l 0206010812-rolka-microfiber-25sm_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0206010156-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4818 lv


White matt paint FUNGISTOP W by CAPAROL with the possibility of manual or machine tinting. The paint is designed for rooms with high humidity such as bathrooms, kitchens, underground rooms and others. Wet rooms are characterized by a high risk of mold. FungiStop-W is used both as a preventive way against the appearance of mold and in repairs after removing mold.
The product has fungicidal properties, diffusion ability, does not contain solvents and has a faint odor.
The consumption rate is at least 120 ml/sq.m. for a layer on a smooth surface.


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