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Product Number 0203010068

  • Matt paint for application on interior walls and ceilings
  • Good diffuse ability
  • It can be diluted with up to 5% water
  • Apply at 20 ° C and 65% relative humidity
  • It is applied in two layers
  • Consumption rate: 130 ml / sq.m.
7800лвOnline price

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Interior paint Innenfarbe 100 white 15l 0205010255-interioren-grund-za-gipsokarton_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0206010156-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
18068 лв


Interior paint INNENFARBE 100 by CAPAROL in a package of 15 liters is a bright white, matte paint, suitable for application on interior surfaces - walls and ceilings. Interior paint has good diffusion ability, is environmentally friendly and has a low odor.
It can be diluted with a maximum of 5% water.
Apply by brush, bear or spray with Airless devices at 20 ° C and 65% relative humidity. A second coat can be applied 4-6 hours after the first dries.
The paint dries in depth and can be subjected to loading after about 3 days. The consumption rate is about 130 ml / sq.m. For rough surfaces, the cost varies.
Additional information about Interior paint INNENFARBE 100 CAPAROL can be found in the Technical Documentation .


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