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Product Number 1106050012

Битумна лента самозалепваща с алуминиево фолио 15 см 10 м EMFIBAND Студено самозалепваща хидроизолационна лента на основата на модифициран с еластомери битум. Лентата е ламинирана със здраво, устойчиво на атмосферни влияния цветно алуминиево фолио.
3630лвOnline price

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Cold self-adhesive waterproofing tape based on elastomer-modified bitumen. The tape is laminated with strong, weather-resistant colored aluminum foil, which ensures its exceptional durability, protection against aging and UV rays, as well as the ability to select the color according to the application. Very high adhesion strength with many building bases and surfaces. Excellent resistance to weathering. Exceptional durability. Resistant to low and high temperatures (from -10ºС to +80ºС). High elasticity and excellent flexibility. Easy to use. Dimensions: 15 cm x 10 m



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