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Product Number 1106050047

  • For watertight sealing of joints and expansion joints, around pipes, siphons and corners
  • It is used for walls and floors, indoors and outdoors
  • High flexibility and resistance to tearing and aging
  • Resistant to temperatures from -300 ° C to + 800 ° C
  • Size: 120mm x 10m
4449lvOnline price

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Waterproofing tape CL152, 10m 1102060007-ceresit-cl-51-express-1-k-nova-snimka_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1102060007-ceresit-cl-51-express-1-k-nova-snimka_246x246_pad_478b24840a
23277 lv


CERESIT CL152 waterproofing tape with a length of 10 meters, suitable for watertight sealing of joints and expansion joints, around pipes, siphons and corners.The waterproofing tape is applied in the first waterproofing layer and is used when used on walls and floors, indoors and outdoors.CERESIT CL152 is characterized by high flexibility and resistance to tearing and aging. It sticks securely and permanently.


  • Size: 120mm x 10m
  • Great quality
  • High elasticity
  • Waterproof
  • Resistance to extreme temperatures: from -300°C to +800°C



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