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Product Number 1106020419

  • Water-based "liquid nail" assembly adhesive
  • Suitable for universal use
  • Weather-resistant
  • Does not contain solvents and can be painted after drying
  • Suitable for installation of wooden, faience, ceramic, brick, foam, skirting boards, skirting boards, felt, gypsum panels, PVC surfaces
  • Can also be used for gluing decorative profiles and skirting boards, for filling joints and cracks in walls and gypsum materials
  • Packaging: 310 ml
  • Color: white
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Assembly glue 310 liquid nail 310 ml AKFIX is a ready-to-use water-based adhesive, resistant to atmospheric influences. The adhesive does not contain solvents, can be painted after drying.

Suitable for installing wooden, faience, ceramic, brick, foam, skirting boards, skirting boards, felt, gypsum panels, PVC surfaces. It can also be used for bonding decorative products, for filling cracks and voids in the surfaces of walls and plaster materials.

It should not be used for areas permanently exposed to water.

The parts to be bonded are pressed together for 10 minutes to stabilize, until they are fully bonded they must be protected from moisture and rain.



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