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Product Number 1106020052

  • Professional solvent adhesive
  • For outdoor and indoor use
  • It is compatible with substrates such as metal, glass, aluminium, masonry, ceramics, concrete, plasterboard, chipboard, plywood, stone, MDF, rigid PVC, a range of plastics and more.
  • Suitable for installation of skirting boards, wooden and chipboard boards, plasterboard and cork boards, cladding strips, cladding, etc.
  • Not suitable for PE, PP, PTFE and Styrofoam
  • Packaging: 375 g.
дни часа мин сек
Офертата е валидна от 01.03.2025 до 30.03.2025
1274lvPromo price 1499lvOld price

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Glue Express Fix PL 600 375 g MOMENT 1106010038-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1106060026-pistolet-za-silikon-profi-bolter_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3262 lv


Moment FIX Express is the first professional solvent adhesive that instantly bonds multiple materials. Thanks to its innovative formula, it bonds immediately without the need for evaporation of the solvent, additional strengthening or waiting. Express Fix is specifically for outdoor and indoor use.

It is compatible with a wide range of substrates such as metal, glass, aluminium, masonry, ceramics, concrete, plasterboard, chipboard, plywood, stone, MDF, rigid PVC, a range of plastics and more. Use it to install baseboards, wooden and chipboard boards, plasterboard and cork boards, cladding strips, cladding ( wood and metal ) and more.

Not suitable for PE, PP, PTFE and Styrofoam.


  • Instantly tacky
  • Waterproof
  • Can be painted after drying
  • Suitable for working at low temperatures
  • With a faint smell



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