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Product Number 0505030249

  • 100% natural
  • Versatile, but best for pork and chicken
  • Can be used with all types of smokers and grills
  • Gives a soft fruity aroma
  • Cut: 1 kg
2000лвOnline price

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Chips for smoking Apple 1kg 0505030004-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0505030016-0505030015-darveni-vaglishta-www_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3250 лв


Smoking chips Apple brand BROIL KING. 100% natural. Apple chips have one of the most versatile and preferred flavors, but are best for poultry (turns the skin dark brown) and pork. Gives a soft fruity aroma with a slightly sweet undertone. Can be used with all types of smokers and grills.
The chips are available in 1kg packs in a resealable bag.

How to use: To create the best flavor, soak a handful of chips in water for at least 30 minutes before starting the smoking process. The moisture prevents the chips from burning too quickly in the grill. Then simply sprinkle the chips over the hot charcoal. To make a good distribution of the smoke, we recommend using a smoking box.
Place the selected food on the grill shortly after the chips begin to smoke. Avoid opening the grill lid while smoking to ensure the best, smoky flavor.



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