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Product Number 0505030074

  • Beech wood charcoal
  • High in hydrocarbons
  • Excellent combustion value
2275лвOnline price

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Charcoal 2.5 kg, beech 0505020058_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0501040202-gradinski-chadyr-2-7m-bez-stojka-tymnosiv_246x246_pad_478b24840a
19115 лв


LOTUSGRILL charcoal made of beech wood. They are characterized by extremely high hydrocarbon content and excellent combustion value. LOTUSGRILL charcoal ignites very quickly and emits a longer and stronger temperature than ordinary charcoal. They are made of 100% natural product, produced by the most modern European manufacturers of barbecue supplies. When using them, it is necessary to leave as much beech charcoal as is necessary to fill the coal container. They are ignited only with appropriate igniters. The use of petrol, alcohol or similar substances for ignition is not recommended. A package of 1 kg of LOTUSGRILL beech charcoal is enough to light 6 barbecues of the standard size LotusGrill barbecue grill or 3 barbecues of LotusGrill XL size. To ensure the quality of the product, it is mandatory to store it in a dry and clean place. Available in a package of 2.5 kg.


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