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Product Number 0502100084

  • For repelling and driving away dogs and cats
  • Product in the form of granules
  • For outdoor use
  • Does not affect lawns, fruits, vegetables or cereals
  • One package is enough to cover an area of 40-50 sq.m.
  • Packaging: 1000 ml
2049лвOnline price

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Dog and cat repellent, granules 1000ml 0502030082-toropochvena-smes-za-razsad-s-kokosovi-fibri-10l_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502030032_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3247 лв


REP06 is a granular product intended for outdoor use. It is an effective means of repelling dogs and cats from an area. REP06 is an outdoor solution that can be applied in the garden, yard, terrace, lawn, parking lot, etc. The product does not affect lawns, fruits, vegetables or cereals.

Method of use:

  • Clean the area where you want to use the product, then sprinkle the granules
  • One package is enough to cover an area of 40-50 sq.m.
  • Repeat at least once a week until dogs and cats no longer come to this area
  • Time may reduce the effectiveness of the product

Image may be illustrative.


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