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Product Number 0502030082

  • Fertilizer mixture for planting different types of seeds at home
  • Creates the ideal environment for seedling development
  • Provides rapid development of a good root system
  • Retains more moisture and does not require frequent watering
  • Ingredients: peat 0-10 mm, coconut fiber, biofertilizer
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Офертата е валидна от 01.03.2025 до 30.03.2025
499lvPromo price 660lvOld price

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Fertilizer mixture for seedlings with coconut fiber 10l 0502010726-forma-za-razsad-28-gnezda_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502010721-universalna-podlozhna-tava-kym-forma-za-razsad_246x246_pad_478b24840a
873 lv


Fertilizer mixture specially designed for planting different types of seeds at home. Suitable for seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, petunias, verbena, gypsy, geranium, begonia, alstroemeria and many others. Creates the ideal environment for seedling development.

It is characterized by:

  • Fine structure, providing a favorable environment for young roots
  • The high content of phosphorus, contributing to the rapid development of a healthy and strong root system
  • Coconut fiber improves aeration and soil moisture retention while protecting seedlings from cutting and rot
  • Slow moisture release contributes to less frequent watering
  • California Red Worm Biofertilizer Provides Necessary Nutrients and Improves Seed Germination


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