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Product Number 0502040617

  • Varietal Seeds Pepper California Miracle
  • A fleshy variety, suitable for fresh consumption, stuffing and canning
  • Relatively resistant variety of diseases
  • They reach a length of 8-10 cm and an average weight of 170 g
  • Sowing time: from February to April
  • Harvest: June, July, August, September
  • Packaging: 1 gram
179лвOnline price

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Seeds Pepper California Wonder Pepper California Wonder 0502040496-semena-za-piper-kurtovska-kapija-2gr_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502040492-semena-domati-ideal_246x246_pad_478b24840a
437 лв


California Miracle Peppers are a suitable variety for fresh consumption, stuffing and canning. They have excellent taste and are a disease resistant variety. The fruits are large and fleshy, reaching a length of 8-10 cm and an average weight of about 170 g.
The seeds germinate in about 14 days at a temperature above 22°C. At low atmospheric humidity, combined with high air and soil temperatures, the flowers drop off and fruit growth is delayed.

Sowing time:

  • Early Production: February 1st to 15th
  • Medium early production: March 1 to 20
  • Late production: from April 1 to 15

Care and requirements:

  • Soil: Deep, loose, fertile, warm
  • Light: Seedlings are grown in moderate light, but should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Already adult plants need a lot of light.
  • Humidity: Moderate and uniform humidity during the entire growing season - about 70-75% of PPV.
  • Heat: The optimal temperature for their growth and development is between 18-26°C.
  • Good neighbors: Lettuce, radishes, spinach, cucumbers, garlic, green onions.
  • Planting time: Plants are ready for transplanting outdoors after about 50-60 days and after the danger of late spring frosts has passed.


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