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Product Number 0502050076

  • Ammonium nitrate - nitrogen fertilizer
  • For feeding all types of crops with a total nitrogen content of 34%
  • Packaging: 1 kg
355лвOnline price

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Ammonium nitrate 1kg 0502050078-troen-superfosfat-1kg_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502050081-bordolezov-raztvor-0-330-kg_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1323 лв


Ammonium nitrate is the most common nitrogen fertilizer for feeding all types of crops with a total nitrogen content of 34%. It is the fastest acting granular nitrogen fertilizer suitable for all types of feeding.

Due to its digestible form, after entering the soil, it quickly breaks down and provides plants with nitrogen food. When ammonium nitrate is absorbed by the soil, its form changes in a timely manner, this process is easily regulated, taking into account the soil and climatic conditions and the period of application of the product.

The studies carried out using isotope methods show that from the nitrogen introduced with fertilizers, plants usually use from 35% to 50%. About 20–30% of fertilizer nitrogen is immobilized by soil microorganisms.


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