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Product Number 0502030078

  • Slow-dissolving NPK fertilizer
  • Retains more moisture
  • Ingredients: peat 0-20 mm, coconut fiber and others
  • Improves aeration and moisture retention
  • Provides good drainage
  • For rich flowering and beautiful foliage
295lvOnline price

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Universal fertilizer mixture with coconut fiber 5l 0502030069-universalen-bio-torfen-substrat-5l11_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502030080-smes-za-orhidei-2l_246x246_pad_478b24840a
893 lv


The universal fertilizer mixture of AGROBIOVET is suitable for all types of plants, except those requiring a low pH level. The presence of coconut fiber in its composition improves aeration and moisture retention, while providing good drainage, and the high content of lombric compost allows plants to grow normally for 6-8 weeks without additional nutrition. With the fertilized soil the flowers will get a rich bloom and a beautiful leaf mass.


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