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Product Number 0205010366

  • Bitumen primer for waterproofing
  • Concentrated solvent-free bitumen emulsion
  • For priming surfaces before applying waterproofing
  • Improves and evens out the adhesion properties of the base
  • Does not contain solvents
  • Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10
  • Apply with a roller or brush
  • Consumption rate: 100-200 g / sq.m. for diluted product
4680lvOnline price

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Bitumen primer - primer for bitumen waterproofing 5 kg Plastimul C 1102040140-bitumna-hidroizolacija-plastimul-20kg_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1102040198-bitumna-hidroizolacija-plastimul-1-k-classic-20-4kg-mapei_246x246_pad_478b24840a
33915 lv


Plastimul C is a solvent-free concentrated bitumen emulsion for priming surfaces before applying Plastimul waterproofing. Plastimul C is used as a primer to improve and level the adhesion properties of the substrate on which the waterproofing product will be applied. Plastimul C is a concentrated one-component bitumen emulsion without solution, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 before application. Apply with a roller or brush. Resistant to aggressive substances that are normally contained in the soil.

  • Consumption rate: 100-200g/sq.m. for diluted product
  • Consumption rate: about 10-20g/sq.m. as a concentrate



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