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Product Number 0205010334

  • Acrylic primer
  • Consumption: 10-12sq.m / l
  • Surface drying: 30-60 minutes
  • Apply with a roller, brush and gun
  • Color: white for tinting
  • Packaging: 0.750l
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Acrylic primer Pre Color - 0.750 l, for tinting 0203030250-53-56-58-lateks_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0203030251-252-254-255-257-258-antimikrobna-boja-vitex-eco-10l-bjala-baza-bw_246x246_pad_478b24840a
9198 lv


VITEX's Pre Color is a white water-based primer developed with a new generation of acrylic resin technology. The primer is suitable for exterior and interior use. It is colored with the help of a tinting system for machine coloring, which leads to an increase in its coverage and a reduction in the number of necessary layers of finishing paint.

Pre Color creates the perfect balance in terms of light absorption and scattering, thanks to which the desired color of the finish layer is achieved faster and more completely.

It is colored in three colors (yellow, red and gray), depending on the desired color of the finish layer and based on the color wheel, thus reducing the number of layers of finish paint, for colors that are obtained from a transparent base paint. Also, the primer is colored for finishing colors obtained from semi-transparent and white base paint, for even higher coverage.

Pre Color has a high coverage, is easy to apply, dries quickly, has a low cost and is suitable as a base for all types of water-soluble paints.Improves the appearance, increases the coverage, adhesion and durability of the finish paint. With a discreet odor during application, as it does not contain ammonia or any other hazardous substances such as aromatic hydrocarbons, free formaldehyde, heavy metals or alkylphenol ethoxylates.

The product must be mixed well before use. Apply in one layer with a roller or brush without dilution, or with a gun, diluting 5 - 10% with water. The product must not be applied at temperatures below 5°C, above 35°C and/or at a relative humidity of more than 80%. The applied layer is dry to the touch within 30 minutes. After 3-4 hours of applying the primer, it can be painted with latex or acrylic paints.


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