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Product Number 1106040096

  • Foam for thermal insulation
  • Model: Soudabond Turbo
  • Fast curing
  • For insulating panels, plasterboard, decorative elements, ceiling and wall rosettes, etc.
  • Ready to use
  • Consumption rate: one bottle covers up to 14 sq.m. insulation
  • Temperature and sound insulator
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Офертата е валидна от 01.03.2025 до 30.03.2025
1159lvPromo price 1509lvOld price

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Foam for thermal insulation Soudabond Turbo - 750ml, for pistol 1106060045-pistolet-za-pjana-eco-02-20_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1106040014-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4617 lv


Soudabond Turbo thermal insulation foam is an innovative product specially formulated for professional work. Thanks to its features, it saves up to 30% of working time. Only 15 minutes after application the surface can be treated, and an hour later loaded with heavy elements.

The fast-setting foam is ready to use. It is used when working with insulation panels, plasterboard, decorative elements, ceiling and wall rosettes, sills and cornices, walls without load.Adheres to all common building surfaces such as concrete, wood, metal and plastics (except PE, PP, PTFE) and also on wet surfaces. One bottle roof up to 14sq.m. insulation. It manages to fill in irregularities on the surfaces. It is characterized as a temperature and sound insulator.



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