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Product Number 1106040012

  • Mounting gun polyurethane foam Ceresit TS62
  • Self-expands during curing
  • Excellent adhesion to most building materials - wood, concrete, stone, metal, etc.
  • It is widely used - insulation of window and door frames, sealing, soundproofing, etc.
  • Packaging: 750 ml
1119lvOnline price

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Често купувани заедно

Polyurethane foam pistol TS 62 750 ml CERESIT 1106040014-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1106060045-pistolet-za-pjana-eco-02-20_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4577 lv


One-component, moisture-curing semi-rigid polyurethane foam with excellent cellular structure and good mechanical strength. It is easy to use and applied with a special foam applicator.

Although the foam is self-expanding, post-expansion and curing pressures are minimal, improving comfort and accurate dosing during application. The foam has excellent adhesion to most building materials - wood, concrete, stone, metal, etc.

The bottle is equipped with a new generation valve, contributing to a longer shelf life and long-term quality of the product.

Field of application

  • Insulation of window and door frames
  • Cavity filling
  • Sealing of openings in roof structures and insulating materials
  • Creating soundproof screens
  • Filling voids around pipes
  • Insulation of wall panels, roof tiles



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