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Product Number 0204030198

  • Scratched plaster
  • Series: Elastic
  • For protective and decorative coating of facades
  • Size: 1.5mm
  • Packing: 25 kg
  • Ready to apply
6711lvOnline price

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WEBER's Elastic plaster is a ready-to-apply façade pasty thin-layer plaster. It is used for protective and decorative coating when repairing old facades and finishing new facades. It is especially suitable for intense colors, as well as when you need an elastic coating on the facade. Recommended for buildings up to six floors and can be used as a final coating for thermal insulation systems.

The consumption rate depends on the structure, but ranges from 2.4 to 2.7 kg/sq.m. It is good to work at temperatures from +5° С to +25° C. During work the plaster should be protected from strong sunlight and rain. Fresh plaster needs to be kept from freezing for 24 hours.



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