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Product Number 0204030007

  • Scratched polymer plaster
  • Thin layer coating and grain structure
  • Grain size: 1.5 mm
  • For internal and external application
  • Consumption rate: 2.5 kg / sq.m.
8400лвOnline price

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Scratched polymer plaster 1.5 mm CT60, 25 kg 0205010033-grund-za-mazilka-st-16-bjal-10-l-ceresit_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1102010352-1-toploizolacionni-plochi-eps-70-1005001000-0-25-kub-m-5brpaket_246x246_pad_478b24840a
17430 лв


The scratched polymer plaster CT60, manufactured by CERESIT, has a thin-layer coating and a granular structure, each grain being 1.5 mm in size. It can be placed on facades and interior walls in buildings. CERESIT ST60 coating can be used as a single-layer coating for concrete bases, ordinary plasters, walls with gypsum plaster, gypsum plasterboard, gypsum fiberboard, etc. Scratched polymer plaster CT60 is also particularly effective when the final coating of a thermal insulation system needs to be applied. It is available in different colors. Its appearance is scratched, which guarantees the unique appearance of the buildings or walls where it is placed. The plaster is ready for use, vapor permeable, waterproof, resistant to microbiological effects and adverse weather conditions. The cost of the decorative polymer coating is 2.5 kg/sq.m.


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