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Product Number 0605040396

  • Fragrance
  • Series: Freshmatic Max Refill
  • Instant and long-lasting action
  • Up to 60 days of continuous aroma
  • Packaging: 250 ml
  • Aroma: lavender
1159лвSpecial price

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Fragrance Freshmatic Max Refill - lavender, 250ml 0605040019_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0605040016-fresh-matik-pylnitel-frezija-i-jasmin-0-250-ml-airwick_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3477 лв


The AIRWICK Freshmatic Max Refill fragrance filler is used to freshen the air in residential and office premises, small shops, etc. Its main purpose is to neutralize the smell of cigarette smoke, leaving a pleasant aroma. One cartridge provides up to 60 days of continuous aroma with minimal spray setting.

The filler has an instant and long-lasting effect. Refreshes and aromatizes the air in the rooms without being intrusive.The product is available in the form of a bottle with a volume of 250 ml.


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