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Product Number 0605040294

  • Device set + charger
  • Aroma of turquoise oasis with 3 levels of intensity
  • Maximum effective action: 75 days
  • Easy to change the cartridge
  • Environmentally friendly and harmless
  • Packaging: 19 ml
1259лвSpecial price

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Electric fragrance set 19ml, turquoise oasis 0605040506_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0606050028-torbi-za-smet-35-l-15-broja-s-vryzki-ecoline-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2717 лв


Electric fragrance brand AIRWICK. Comes complete with plug and aromatic oil filler.
The product has a scent of turquoise oasis, the intensity of which can be controlled. This is done by turning the knob at the top of the typewriter. There are three degrees of intensity, each with a characteristic scent.
The fragrance has the most effective effect for 75 days. The period is valid if the appliance is set to the lowest intensity level, provided that it is switched on for at least 8 hours a day.
The fragrance has an instant and long-lasting effect. Refreshes and aromatizes the air in the rooms without being intrusive. It does not contain harmful chemicals, which guarantees its environmental friendliness and safety for humans and the environment.
The filler of the electric fragrance has a volume of 19 ml.


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