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Product Number 0605030847

  • Skin cleanser
  • Series: Swift
  • Cleans, refreshes and maintains leather goods
  • Excellent effect even with heavier pollution
  • Suitable for everyday use for leather and artificial leather products
  • Packaging: 250ml
499лвSpecial price

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Skin cleanser - 250ml 0605030849-kyrpichki-za-pochistvane-na-kozha-swift-40-brpaket_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0605030848-losion-za-pochistvane-za-kozha-swift-300ml_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1243 лв


CASABLANCA Swift series skin cleanser is specially formulated for easy and proper maintenance of leather, leather shoes and all kinds of leather goods. The product is ideal for maintaining all skin surfaces. It cleanses, nourishes and protects in one step. Safely removes dirt and stains from leather products. Softens, strengthens and nourishes worn skin. Faux and natural leather surfaces are suitable, including furniture, car showrooms, shoes, suitcases, bags, jackets. The preparation is liquid and is applied with a fungus or a suitable agent.


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