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Product Number 0605020133

  • Detergent for discoloration of dyed clothes HEITMANN
  • For the treatment of white and fine tissues
  • Effective at any washing temperature
  • For manual and automatic washing
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Detergent for discoloration of dyed clothes 250g 0605020132-prahche-za-zasecheno-prane-50-gr-heitmann-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0605010268-sapun-za-petna_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1237 lv


Detergent for discoloration of dyed clothes HEITMANN, designed for the treatment of white and fine fabrics. Can be used at any operating temperature of the washing machine. The preparation is especially effective in unwanted staining and graying of clothes, acting intensively on white and fine fabrics.
It is recommended not to use in colored fabrics. Significant color changes are then possible. Clothes made of synthetic fibers, as well as dyes with indanthrene dyes, cannot be bleached. The preparation is especially effective for 1-2 uses, at 3 kg. textiles. It is not recommended for use with sunscreen stains. When using an automatic washing machine, the maximum permissible temperature must be selected and the machine switched on in the main program without pre-washing. It is not recommended to apply powder and fabric softener. Only after 15 minutes you can put the whole amount of detergent in the detergent chamber, then rinse with 2 liters of water. It is necessary that the washing machine program is completely finished. Then detergent is added and a wash cycle is set.
When washing by hand, up to 1. 5 kg of decolorizing textile is placed in the basin. Add 6 liters of water, which has the highest possible temperature for textiles. Then put 1/2 of the preparation and dissolve. The textile fabrics are dipped and a spoon can be used. The basin is tightly covered with a lid and the room is allowed to ventilate. The discoloration time depends on the water temperature: at 30°C it is 24 hours; at 60°C for 10 minutes; at 95°C for 2 minutes.The fabrics are rinsed and washed with washing powder.
If better results are sought, it is advisable to leave the laundry overnight in the decolorizing solution.


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