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Product Number 0204030285

  • Mosaic plaster containing particles with sizes of 1.2 - 1.8 mm
  • For interior and exterior use
  • It has excellent adhesion to the base
  • Resistance to atmospheric influences
  • Resistance to erasure, mechanical impacts, scratching
  • Creates a coating that optically corrects unevenness on the walls
  • Color: according to catalog #4019
  • Means of application: metal stainless trowel
  • Consumption: 3.8 - 4.3 kg/sq.m
13349лвOnline price

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DEKO professional mosaic plaster is produced on the basis of an aqueous dispersion of acrylic copolymers, additives and quartz particles. Used for special structural finishes for interior and exterior surfaces. Resistant to aging, scratches and bumps.


DEKO Мазилки

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