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Product Number 0502040519

  • Varietal seeds for potted strawberry Botanic
  • Perennial variety
  • Suitable for fresh consumption
  • Variety: early variety
  • Small and sweet
  • Outdoor sowing: March - May
  • Harvest: June - August
139lvOnline price

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Potted Strawberry Seeds Botanist 0502030082-toropochvena-smes-za-razsad-s-kokosovi-fibri-10l_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502040518-semena-temenuzhka-drebna-miks-botanik_246x246_pad_478b24840a
777 lv Loading...


Potted strawberry Botanic is a perennial herbaceous, small plant. Its flowers are white, located on long, strongly branched stalks. The fruits are small, sweet and juicy. It is characterized as a highly productive early variety, grown mainly in pots. Fruits between June and July. It is suitable for year-round cultivation at a minimum temperature of 11°C and a maximum of 24°C. For favorable growth, flowering and fruiting, the use of quality fertilizer is recommended. They reach a height of 30 - 40 cm. Potted strawberry is a beautiful and interesting ornamental plant with edible fruits.



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