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Product Number 0502040451

  • Seeds for Iceberg Salad
  • Harvest: May, June, July, August, September
  • Fruits: round, medium-sized head
  • Color: fused green flowers
  • Rich in protein, vitamins and minerals
179лвOnline price

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Seeds for Iceberg Salad Ljubljana 0502040041-semena-listen-magdanoz_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502040040-semena-morkov-nantes_246x246_pad_478b24840a
537 лв


Iceberg lettuce seeds are grown mainly through seedlings. The seeds germinate in 7-10 days at a temperature above 12°C.For early spring production are sown in late January and early February in cultivation facilities. For autumn production seedlings are planted in mid-September.

Lettuce responds very well to both fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and fertilizing with manure. However, it should be emphasized that the production of lettuce in greenhouses is adversely affected by the high content of mineral nitrogen, which is accumulated in the soil due to the intensive fertilization of the main crop. Nitrogen accelerates growth processes, but reduces the cold resistance of lettuce and lettuce, and in excess degrades the quality of production. The water regime is kept moderate.



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