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Product Number 0502040050

  • Varietal seeds for Sivria Pepper
  • Selected Slovenian variety
  • Harvest: June - September
  • Conical, slightly flattened
  • With a length of about 18-20 cm
  • Sweet, with a characteristic aroma
  • Average weight about 70-75 g
  • Under favorable conditions, the seeds germinate in 8-10 days
  • Designed for fresh consumption, heat treatment and canning
дни часа мин сек
Офертата е валидна от 01.03.2025 до 30.03.2025
139lvPromo price 179lvOld price

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Seeds for Pepper Sivria Pepper Sivria 0502040067-semena-sladka-carevica_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502040615_246x246_pad_478b24840a
417 lv


The seeds are sown in early February. Growing is exclusively through seedlings.
For early outdoor production, pickled seedlings are produced in warm greenhouses.
Sowing time:

  • Early production: from 1 to 15 February
  • Medium early production: from 1 to 20 March
  • Late production: from 1 to 15 June

If there is a risk of frost at night, it is good to cover.
The seedlings are planted in the open after the danger of late spring frosts has passed - the end of April for Southern Bulgaria and the first half of May for Northern Bulgaria.


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