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Product Number 0807010091

  • Two-stroke oil 1804ENGINE03
  • Packaging: 1 liter
  • For addition to fuels for two-stroke engines
  • With stabilizer
  • Semi-synthetic
219lvOnline price

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Two-stroke engine oil 0.1l 0804030060-motoren-trion-rd-gcs24-1800-w2-41k-s-45-kub-sm_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0807010111-maslo-za-verigi-na-verizhni-trioni-forest-plus-1l_246x246_pad_478b24840a
12717 lv


Two-stroke oil PREMIUM 1804ENGINE03 in a package of 0.1 liters. It is intended as an additive to fuels for two-stroke engines of:

  • chainsaws
  • gasoline trimmers
  • mopeds
  • snowplows
  • petrol mowers
  • agricultural machinery

The two-stroke PREMIUM 1804ENGINE03 oil has a stabilizer, emits less exhaust gases, is semi-synthetic. It is characterized by high efficiency against wear and resistance to temperature changes. Supports complete combustion, as a result of which the engines retain their full power.



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