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Product Number 0807010156

  • Engine oil - four-stroke
  • Protects against rust and corrosion
  • Reduces wear and tear on engine components
  • Prevents the formation of deposits and keeps the engine clean
  • Meets API SJ/CF standards
  • It can also be used in engines that require SG/CD
  • Packaging: 1 l
1200лвOnline price

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Four-stroke engine oil 1l SAE30 GARDEN OIL 0807010115-dvigatelno-maslo-10-w30-600ml-vsesezonno-za-chetiritaktovi-dvigateli_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0804020154-motorna-samohodna-kosachka-za-treva-rd-glm08-2-5k-w_246x246_pad_478b24840a
49350 лв


A high quality SAE 30 motor oil specially developed for use in the engines of lawn mowers, rotary cultivators, small tractors, floor sweepers and similar high speed equipment. It provides good lubrication, reduces wear on engine components and has very good thermal stability. The high temperature prevents deposits from forming, so it keeps the engine clean. Ideal for protection against rust and corrosion. Meets API SJ/CF standards. It can also be used in engines that require SG/CD.



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