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Product Number 0302060162

  • Self-adhesive door stopper
  • Material: wooden body, rubber
  • Color: oak, beige
  • Size: Ф45 х 25мм
  • With self-adhesive tape
629lvOnline price

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Self-adhesive stopper for door, wood, oak with beige rubber 0302060161-stoper-samozalepvasht-material-dyrvo-cvjat-sapeli-s-cherna-guma-amig_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0302060160-stoper-samozalepvasht-material-dyrvo-cvjat-buk-s-bjala-guma-amig_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1887 lv


Self-adhesive door stopper AMIG, model 406. It is a combination of a wooden body in beech color and white rubber. Available with a diameter of 45 mm. and length 25mm. The stopper is mounted on the floor. It is designed to protect the door handle from hitting the wall when opening it. At the same time, the stoppers also act as an effective protection for the wall covering from contact with the sash.
It is easy and convenient to install without the need for drilling or the use of glue. At the bottom, the stopper has extremely strong self-adhesive tape that will keep it still on the floor, even when the door is pushed harder. Of course, the mandatory instructions for use must be followed when gluing the stopper. The tape must be thoroughly cleaned, dried and, if necessary, degreased the surface on which the wing stopper is glued. When fixing the stopper on the floor, its metal part must remain facing the wall, and the rubber guard - to the door to absorb and soften any blows to the wing. It is made of durable materials, resistant to shocks and wear.


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Ф45 х 25мм

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