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Product Number 0302060149

  • Combination of metal body and rubberized guard
  • Protects the door and the wall
  • Installation without drilling
  • Body color: white; tire color: gray
  • Size: f50 mm
  • Height: 20 mm
460lvOnline price

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Self-adhesive neck stopper white with gray rubber mod. 400 0302060148-stoper-za-vrata-amig_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0302060163-stoper-samozalepvasht-pvc-i-silikon-prozrachen-amig_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1709 lv


Door stopper of the Spanish brand AMIG, model 400. It is a combination of a white metal body and gray rubber. Its size is f50 mm and height - 20 mm.
The stopper is mounted on the floor. It is intended to protect the door handle from hitting the wall when opening it. At the same time, the stoppers also protect the wall from contact with the door.
The model is extremely easy to install, without the need for drilling or the use of glue. In its lower part, the stopper has an extremely strong self-adhesive tape that will keep it stationary on the floor even with a stronger slamming of the door. Of course, the mandatory instructions for use must be observed when we have to stick some kind of tape, namely to clean, dry and, if necessary, degrease the surface on which the stopper is stuck.
When fixing the stopper to the floor, its metal part must remain facing the wall, and the rubber guard - towards the door, in order to absorb and soften possible impacts of the wing.


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