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Product Number 0505030089

  • Barbecue fish grill MG149
  • Size: 55 x 30 cm
  • Material: stainless chrome steel
  • Wooden handle
  • Steel clamp
  • Hook for hanging
859лвOnline price

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Barbecue fish grill with wooden handle 55 x 30 cm 0505030016-0505030015-darveni-vaglishta-www_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0505030084-shish-za-barbeku-4-br-mg105-38-sm_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2183 лв


MASTERGRILL barbecue fish grill MG149, size 55 x 30 cm. Comes with a comfortable wooden handle. The handle is ergonomic, ensuring a comfortable grip and operation of the MG149 grill appliance. All elements and the base of the appliance are made of high quality, resistant to temperature changes, chrome-plated stainless steel, which guarantees the durability and efficiency of the grill. With it you can easily and quickly prepare meat, fish and other foods. The MASTERGRILL grill MG149 is also suitable for use on a campfire, even without being placed on a special grill. It is easy to use, carry and maintain. The MASTERGRILL grill is equipped with a steel clip on top, which makes it easier to grip food. The handle of the barbecue utensil has a ring for hanging, thanks to which the grill can be placed on the side of the barbecue or in another convenient place.

The MASTERGRILL steel fish grill is extremely suitable for use during picnics, outdoor family gatherings in the yard of your house or other occasions. With its use you will diversify your baked dishes.


55 х 30см
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