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Product Number 1102040004

  • Bituminous material Blackseal 301 with fibers for waterproofing and repair work
  • Material density: 1.2-1.3 kg/l
  • Operating temperature: -30°C to +70°C
  • Consumption rate: 1.20 kg/sq.m
  • Black color
6499лвOnline price

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Bituminous material Blackseal 301 UV-resistant 5 kg 0808010382-rykavici_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0806080075-79-shpakla-neryzhdaema-stomana-dvukomponentna-dryzhka_246x246_pad_478b24840a
7001 лв


The bituminous material Blackseal 301 has fibers, it is intended for waterproofing and repair works. The solution does not contain asbestos, and its composition also includes solvents. The bituminous material can be applied with a trowel. The solution is mainly used for waterproofing and repairing cracks in bituminous membranes, concrete, screeds, brick surfaces. The main advantages and characteristics of the solution are:
- conveniently applied with a putty knife and trowel
- ready to use
- easy to apply and process
- does not flow on vertical surfaces
- does not lose its flexibility even at low temperatures
- resistance to UV rays
- follows the movement and withstands the loads of the cracks.
The density of the bituminous material is 1.2-1.3 kg/l. Its complete drying takes place after 2 hours at +20°C. This depends on the type of base, ambient temperature, construction, air humidity, thickness of the applied coating. The maximum permissible size of the applied layer can be 5 mm. The operating temperature is in the wide range from -30°C to +70°C. The solution is resistant to the influence of sea and fresh water, humic acids.The consumption rate is 1.20 kg/sq. m. Each base must be prepared before placing the solution. The bituminous material is applied on a clean, strong, dry, dust-free surface, without traces of solutions or oils . It is recommended to apply the solution in the temperature range from +5°C to +35°C.The Blackseal 301 product meets the Bulgarian and European standards for quality and efficiency.
The bituminous material is black.



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