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Product Number 1102040073

  • Sealant for quick repair work
  • Elastic sealant on bitumen base with synthetic fibers
  • For sealing joints in roofs, chimneys, gutters and sewer pipes
  • Excellent adhesion to stone, cement, lead, zinc, metal, wood, rubber, insulation panels, etc.
  • Suitable for quick repair work, even in rainy weather
  • Surface hardening: 30 minutes
  • Consumption: 450 g/sq.m
  • Temperature at application: +5°C to +40°C
  • Volume: 310 ml
  • Color: black
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Bitumen sealant black 602, 310ml AKFIX 0205020207-ryzhdopreobrazuvatel-1l_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0206010148-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3357 lv


Bituminous black sealant AKFIX in a package of 310 ml is an elastic sealant based on bitumen, reinforced with synthetic fibers.
The bituminous sealant retains its elasticity after work and vulcanization. Protects against moisture and rust.
It is used for sealing joints in roofing elements, chimneys, sewer and drain pipes, gutters and others. It has excellent adhesion to various types of cement, stone, building materials, lead, zinc, wood, metal, rubber, insulation panels and more. The bitumen sealant seals cracks in wooden boats or ships. Suitable for emergency repairs, even in rainy weather. Does not contain asbestos.



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