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Product Number 1101060041

  • Hydrated lime for internal use
  • For neutralization of process water, treatment of drinking and industrial water
  • Envelope of 1 kg
209лвOnline price

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Hydrated lime 1kg var-snimka_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1101030036-stroitelen-gips_246x246_pad_478b24840a
717 лв


Hydrated lime of TERAZID, intended for use in construction and industry. The mixture is also known as calcium hydroxide. Its application is in the creation of lime bases necessary for masonry and plastering. The hydrate mixture is also used in the mining industry, in treatment plants, where drinking and industrial water is treated, etc. Lime mortar is particularly effective in the flotation and leather industries. It is also used in energy, where it serves to neutralize process water. The hydrate mixture is obtained by reacting quicklime with water.



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