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Product Number 0804020050

  • Combined motor trimmer for grasses and shrubs
  • Ability to work with cord and steel knife
  • Power: 1.5kW
  • Engine type: petrol, single-cylinder, two-stroke with air cooling
  • Engine capacity: 52 cc
  • Speed: 3000 - 9000 rpm
  • Tank volume: 1200 ml
  • Mowing width with metal knife: 25.5 cm
  • Cord cutting width: 43 cm
  • Shoulder length: 1.65 m
  • Accessories
16900lvOnline price

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Motor trimmer - combined mower for mowing grass and shrubs with high power 1.5kW. The petrol trimmer is suitable for processing small, medium and large areas. The advantage of this model is that it allows for mowing with a cord and a steel knife. Which in turn allows much greater control of the work, as well as the ability to remove thicker and tough bushes.

The combined petrol trimmer mower of RAIDER RD-GBC10 is intended for use by both professional gardeners and every owner of a green area. This is guaranteed by the light construction of the trimmer, ergonomic handles that will not allow rapid fatigue and intuitive control of work. The petrol motor trimmer for grasses and shrubs has a powerful two-stroke, single-cylinder engine with air cooling and a volume of 52 cc.It starts manually and can develop 3000-9000 rpm. The volume of the fuel tank is 1200 ml. The combined petrol garden mower-trimmer offers a cutting width with a metal knife of up to 25. 5 cm, and a cutting width of 43 cm.


  • Power: 1.5kW
  • Engine type: petrol, single-cylinder, two-stroke with air cooling
  • Engine capacity: 52 cc
  • Speed: 3000 - 9000 rpm
  • Tank volume: 1200 ml
  • Mowing width with metal knife: 25.5 cm
  • Cord cutting width: 43 cm
  • Shoulder length: 1.65 m


  • Wearing strap
  • Glasses
  • Gloves


24 месеца

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