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Product Number 0809120036

  • Circular disc for motor trimmer
  • With additional teeth for tall grass
  • Diameter: ф255 mm
  • Internal: 25.4 mm
  • Number of teeth: 40
  • L-type teeth: 8 pieces (laser welded)
  • Two special knives for mowing tangled and tall grass
2699lvOnline price

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Circular blade for motor trimmer 255 mm with additional teeth for tall grass DAEWOO. The blade has a diameter of 255 mm, an internal 25.4 mm with special teeth for tall grass. It is equipped with 40 carbide teeth, including 8 extremely strong, laser-welded, special L-type teeth. Two special knives on the blade surface help to mow tangled and tall grass.

The blade is optimally balanced and designed for mowing tough grass, bushes and cutting thin tree trunks.



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