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Product Number 0605010513

  • Active gel with action based on active oxygen
  • No side odors, including chlorine
  • Effective on wallpaper, wood, joints, tiles, masonry, stone, plastic, textiles
  • With disinfectant properties
  • Packaging: 500 ml

1435лвOnline price

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First-class spray remover from MELLERUD in the form of a spray. It is an active gel and acts on the basis of active oxygen without side odors, including chlorine. Its effect is in depth.
The MELLERUD product can clean various surfaces and has a wide range of applications. It is especially effective when you need to treat mold on wallpaper, wood, joints, tiles, masonry, stone, plastic, textiles.
The cleaning agent also has certain disinfectant properties, protecting the premises from the appearance of mold, spores, stains, bacteria, mosses and fungi in them.
In use, the gel is applied to the surfaces and wait about an hour for its effect to take effect. For surfaces more affected by mold, it is necessary to leave the product overnight. The cleaning itself can be done with a damp cloth.
The product is available in a package of 500 ml.


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